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Travel habits of the super-rich

Interviewing 800 millionaires was always going to provide some wonderfully voyeuristic data. When it comes to travel habits, turns out the uber wealthy prefer to: Fly Singapore Airlines Stay at the Be…

Top five food cities in China

Travellers visiting the world’s most populous country are discovering a lot more than just some of the most significant historic sites on the planet. The diversity of cuisines and flavours in Ch…

The many sides of Amsterdam

Somewhere along the line, the capital of the Netherlands became known more for its red light district and acceptance of drugs than for its amazing cultural contribution to the world. It’s time t…


Spectacular Jungfrau

Take a ride on not only one of the most beautiful rail journeys in the world but Switzerland’s century-old Jungfraujoch is also an engineering marvel.…

Your Hong Kong guide

From a tourism point of view, many wondered how Hong Kong would fare after sovereignty was returned to China in 1997 but this thriving urban metropolis has gone from strength to strength.…

Touring the Cotswolds

They might span just 50x150km but the meadows, villages and rolling hills of the Cotswolds are known worldwide for their picture postcard beauty and timeless appeal.…

Tuscany special

This is an interesting half-hour special on Tuscany that digs a little deeper than most and reveals what life is like for the locals in this idyllic pocket of Italy.…

Using credit cards overseas

It’s understandable a lot of people don’t feel safe using credit cards overseas. It takes a certain leap of faith to insert your plastic into an ATM in a foreign country or present it to a…


First inhabited around the 10th century BC, Venice has become one of the world’s most loved destinations with 60,000 people visiting every day!…

Travel research made easy

We know that surfing the net and trying to find what you are looking for can drive you stark-raving mad! So, Well Travelled was designed to make it as easy as possible for you. Not only that, we guara…

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