Nestled in the heart of Italy’s Veneto region, Verona is a city that effortlessly blends ancient history, Renaissance charm, and timeless romance. Known worldwide as the setting of Shakespeare’s Romeo…
Churches you have to see
Regardless of personal faith, visiting the world’s great churches is high on most travel to-do lists. The stirring stroll through St Peter’s Square to tour the Renaissance wonder of St Peter’s Basili…
Exploring Yorkshire – England’s largest County
From gritty mill towns to wild moorlands and secluded coves, Yorkshire is England’s best-kept secret. Drystone walls climb the hills as they have always done. Those wonderful limestone walls tha…
Discover funky Paris
It almost doesn’t matter where you stay in Paris; you’re in Paris after all. But with a little homework, you can enhance the experience of being in the world’s most loved city just t…
Australia’s desert heartland
Nothing prepares you for the astonishing redness of Australia’s Red Centre. The sand is red. The rocks are red. The sunrises and sunsets are red. The unsealed roads are red. And in contrast, emphasisi…
A tropical paradise you’ve probably never heard of
Malaysia has always lured travellers with its beachfront resorts and natural wonders around Sabah, Penang and Langkawi. However, it’s the islands off the coast of Terengganu that have become Asia’s ne…
Exploring Britain’s Lake District
Touring Britain’s Lake District transports you to a serene world of undulating fells, mystical tarns and oak woodlands. And then there are the 16 lakes that add the fairytale overlay that have inspire…
Going with the flow in Venice
Rumours of the death of Venice may have been exaggerated, but this former maritime city-state is certainly in danger of being loved to death, particularly under the rising tide of 30 million visitors …
The Northern Territory’s ancient Lost City
In the remote Abner Ranges of Australia’s Northern Territory stand the bizarre stone pillars of an ancient Lost City. Cape Crawford is not the kind of place that allows itself to be easily locat…
Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?
From our guesthouse in the French Quarter of New Orleans, we look across North Rampart St to the bright, inviting entrance to Louis Armstrong Park. In the spring sunshine next day, we walk beneath the…